NYSDOH Toolkit for "Presumed Positive" Case

NYSDOH Toolkit for "Presumed Positive" Case
Posted on 10/19/2020

Dear Parents and Guardians:


The New York State Department of Health has issued a COVID-19 Toolkit for school districts that contains information to help parents determine when students should stay home from school and when students who displayed COVID symptoms can return to school.  Flowcharts and information from the NYSDOH COVID-19 Toolkit can be found here.

Also included in the NYSDOH COVID-19 Toolkit is the definition for a new designation entitled "presumed positive."  

A “presumed positive” case means that an individual is experiencing COVID-like symptoms and after a period of 48-hours has not received a negative COVID test, either by refusing to have a test completed or due to a delay in the lab results, or has not received an alternate diagnosis from a medical provider.  It does not mean the individual has tested positive for COVID-19.

The State Department of Health recently determined that schools must track and report  “presumed positive” cases to the Washington County Department of Health and those individuals will be required to quarantine until released by the Washington County Department of Health.  

This change also means that any student and/or staff member with direct exposure to a “presumed positive” individual will be contacted by the Department of Health as part of the contact tracing process and informed of the next steps that they are required to take.


Please note, the district will not close for a “presumed positive” unless directed to do so by the Department of Health.  Additionally, the district will not be notifying the community of a “presumed positive”; the district will notify the community of a confirmed positive case of COVID-19 within the district.

I want to ensure that you, as parents and guardians, understand the process the district will follow when responding to “presumed positive” cases occurring in the Argyle Central School District.


Thank you for your continued patience and support as we continue to respond and adapt to this situation.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the district at 518-638-8243 or [email protected].



Michael Healey
