At the regular Board of Education meeting held on Thursday, February 11, 2021, the Argyle Central School Board of Education approved the participation of Argyle Central School students in Varsity Boy’s and Girl’s Basketball.
The District is finalizing the plans and documents required for participation. We anticipate final approval in time for our student-athletes to meet the required number of practices for Washington County league play (scheduled to begin March 1, 2021.)
Students in grades 9-12 interested in signing up for basketball need to do so on this Google Form by Sunday, February 14, 2021. We have also emailed this form to student’s school email addresses.
To help facilitate the sign-up process, required paperwork, including the Argyle CSD “High Risk” Informed Consent form, medical clearance form, and student health history form are included with this letter. These forms are required before a student-athlete can participate in an official practice. Practices will start on Monday, February 22, 2021.
These forms will also be emailed to students who sign up to play Varsity Girls or Boys Basketball. Hard copies of the form are available upon request. Please be aware, based on our school physician’s review of submitted paperwork, additional forms/information may be needed.
Completed forms can be emailed to our Athletic Director, Sherwin_J@Argylecsd.org, or faxed to the attention of our School Nurse, Lori Keith, at 518-638-6373.
More information will be shared in the coming weeks. We are looking forward to seeing our Scots back on the court!
• Argyle CSD “High Risk” Informed Consent COVID-19
• Medical Clearance Form
• Argyle CSD NYSED Interval Health History Form