Travel Over February Break
With some families planning travel over February break, we'd like to remind you that the Governor's Travel Executive Orders are still in place. Please let our Health Office know if your child is planning to travel over Winter Break.
The following is from the Governor's Office Website:
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has announced guidelines allowing travelers to New York to “test out” of the mandatory 10-day quarantine for asymptomatic individuals.
Travelers from states that are contiguous with New York* are exempt from the travel advisory; however covered travelers must continue to fill out the Traveler Health Form. Essential workers will continue to be exempt as well.
For any traveler to New York State from a noncontiguous state, US territory or CDC level 2 and higher country, the new guidelines for travelers to test-out of the mandatory 10-day quarantine are below:
For travelers who were out-of-state for less than 24 hours:
- The traveler does not need a test prior to their departure from the other state, and does not need to quarantine upon arrival in New York State.
- However, the traveler must fill out a NYS traveler form upon entry into New York State, and take a COVID diagnostic test 4 days after their arrival in New York.
*Contiguous states are any state that shares a border with New York, including Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Vermont.