Students and Parents:
This behavior plan has been developed to make clear the behavior expectations for all students riding the bus and to assist the driver in maintaining a safe environment on and around the bus while driving. These expectations apply for all regular and late bus runs as well as special trips –athletics, etc.
Students are expected to cooperate with the driver and follow these rules at all times.
- Follow the driver’s directions the first time they are given.
- Do not swear, use rude gestures, or tease anyone on the bus.
- Sit in your assigned seat until you arrive at your stop unless permitted to move by the driver.
- No shouting or loud talking that may distract the driver.
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
- No pushing, shoving, hitting or fighting.
- Keep all parts of your body – and all objects – inside the bus.
- Keep all harmful objects (drugs, tobacco, alcohol, weapons) off the bus.
- Radios and other unnecessary large objects are not permitted.
- Do not litter, write on, or damage the bus in any way.
- Do not eat or drink on the bus.
- Be on time at your stop.
- Do not bring animals on the bus.
- Follow the 10 ft. rule, the driver’s signal, and the 15 ft. rule when boarding and departing.
Students who are uncooperative or break the rules should expect to receive the consequences shown in the following chart:
1st time student breaks a rule ------ Driver gives a verbal warning.
2nd time student breaks a rule ----- Driver detains the student at the top to discuss the behavior. Parents may also be notified of the reason for this discussion.
3rd time student breaks a rule ------ Driver will make a written referral to the Principal. Student will be assigned detention or in-school suspension for all or part of the day. Parents will be notified.
4th time student breaks a rule------- Driver will make another written referral to the Principal. Student will lose his/her bus riding privilege for a time. Parents will be notified.
5th time student breaks a rule ------- The driver will make a written referral to the Principal. The student will lose his/her bus riding privilege for a longer time and a hearing or parent conference will be required.
Students involved in severe misbehaviors such as refusal to follow reasonable directions, disrespect toward the driver, directly endangering the safety of others, and the like, will result an immediate written referral to the Principal. The student will be assigned in-school and/or lose his/her bus riding privilege. A parent conference will be required.
It is the goal of the Argyle Central School’s Transportation Department and Administration to provide the opportunity for every student to have a pleasant and above all, SAFE, ride to and from school.