Senior Privileges will be granted only to eligible Seniors, and reviewed every 5 weeks.
Eligibility is based on:
1. Academic Performance:
He/she maintains at least a 70% in every class and an overall average of 80% (First 5 weeks of school will be based on marking period 4 of the junior year).
If any Senior receives an interim progress report showing borderline or failing grade (including BOCES) he/she may have his/her privileges revoked for the remainder of the marking period.
2. Behavior:
A senior may lose his/her privileges if he/she receives ALC, or out-of-school suspension. Revocation of privileges is immediate and lasts for the remainder of that 5-week period and the next 5-week period. Dates will coincide with the marking periods and interim progress reports as established in the school calendar.
3. Attendance:
A senior may have an immediate revocation of privileges upon 5 absences or tardies to a class or whole school day during any given marking period. The revocation will last for the same period of time described in a behavior revocation.
Senior Privileges:
All seniors will be provided the opportunity to sit at a “senior table” in the cafeteria. Eligible seniors will be granted the opportunity to:
- Apply for a regular early dismissal at the end of the 6th or 7th period, or come in at the end of 1st or 2nd periods, if the student is scheduled for study hall and parent consent form is signed and on file.
- Student may go to the library, or to work with a teacher in his/her room. Students will need permission for admittance by the teacher in charge of these areas. All garbage must be disposed of properly. Trays and utensils must be returned to the cafeteria.
- Student is not required to use a hall pass while on the Senior Privilege list, but must report in to assigned study hall.
- All seniors in good standing will be allowed to have lunch in the courtyard.
Additional Stipulations:
- Students may not roam aimlessly, loiter in halls, locker alcoves, or bathrooms, distract classes or go to the parking lots.
- Defacement or damage to property not attributable to an individual responsible will cause loss of the privilege for the whole group.
- A list of “eligible seniors” will be distributed at the beginning of each quarter.
- Any student who has his/her privileges temporarily revoked for the 2nd time, that revocation will be permanent for the remainder of the year.
NAME:________________________________ DATE: _______________________
I have read the explanation of the senior privilege program. I believe I meet the eligibility requirements and request that I be granted senior privileges as outlined above.
I agree to cooperate with the “spirit” of senior privileges and the additional stipulations as stated.
Student Signature
I have read the explanation of the senior privilege program. I believe my son/daughter is eligible and would like to see him/her considered for participation in this program.
_______________________________ DATE:_______________
Parent Signature