Assembly Etiquette

  • Enjoy the Assembly and support your fellow classmates and friends.
  • Represent your school and us with pride. Many community members, parents, and PTSA members will be attending these assemblies and you want to be on your best behavior. This is a special occasion for them and your friends.
  • Applaud when appropriate or when directed by the presenters, but do not yell out names or make loud noises.
  • Please be on time and remain in the cafeteria during the presentation. If you must leave for an emergency, do so in-between acts or quietly out the back doors.
  • Talking, even whispering is considered rude and unacceptable during any presentation.
  • It is best to leave all belongings in your locker so you are free to enjoy the assembly and there will be plenty of room for all of our visitors.
  • Eating, drinking, and chewing gum can be very distracting and should be saved for after the assembly is over.
  • Above all, be a good role model for our younger students. They look up to you and are motivated by all that you do. Their eyes are always watching.
  • Good behavior is rewarded with more assemblies for your enjoyment. Poor behavior is addressed with your removal and further consequences.