During the course of the school year, a number of supervised field trips will take place. These trips are designed to enhance the educational offering within the classroom.
Students need parental permission to participate in field trips. Written permission must be granted by you if your child is to take part. Informational notices will be sent home apprising you of the date and activity and any other details of your child's field trip. This will be done in advance of the activity.
Students who are not doing work or misbehaving in class will only go on the teacher’s discretion.
Any student who has been suspended from school for any reason will undergo a review prior to each field trip to determine if he/she may participate. On other educational field trips that are an extension of the curriculum (e.g., Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Edward Museum, etc.), a determination will be made as to whether or not a parent must accompany the student (at his/her expense) in order for the student to participate.