Extra-curricular activities are an important part of the educational program of Argyle Central School. In order to have the privilege of participating in or attending these activities, a student must meet certain academic requirements. Failure to meet these obligations will result in the student being declared on probation or ineligible to participate in, or attend extra-curricular activities.
The following procedure will be followed in order to determine a student’s eligibility to participate in, or attend extra-curricular activities.
- The principal, athletic director, coaches, and advisors of extra-curricular activities will review the report cards or master list of interim progress reports of participants.
- The principal, athletic director, coaches, and advisors of extra-curricular activities will discuss with the student his/her eligibility to participate in extra-curricular activities.
- Students will be placed on a probation list by the principal if either of the following situations exist:
a. A student has failed one or more subjects during the marking period.
b. The student has received interim progress reports indicating not passing in one or more subjects.
4. a. Any student failing (not passing) one subject will be placed on probation for two weeks. Probation means that a student can continue with extra-curricular activities for two weeks but must attend one ninth period per week during those two weeks. If, at the end of this two-week period, a passing grade or satisfactory improvement has not been attained, the student must continue on probation throughout the remaining period of time until the marking period ends or the next interim progress report is due (whichever comes first). A student who attains a passing grade during this time will be removed from the probation list.
b. Any student failing (not passing) two or more subjects will be placed on probation for two weeks. If the student fails to improve his/her grades during the probationary period and is still failing two or more subjects, they will be declared ineligible and may not participate in, or attend any extra-curricular activities during the period of time until the marking period ends or the next interim progress report is due (whichever comes first). Any student who attains a passing grade in two subjects but is still failing in one will continue to be on probation but will be declared eligible for extra-curricular activities.
c. At the end of the two-week period, it will be the student’s responsibility to obtain a form from the Athletic Director and have it filled out by his/her teachers.
The student must show the completed form to the athletic director, coach, or advisor prior to reinstatement.
d. Parents/Guardians of those students who are placed on probation, or who are declared ineligible in accordance with paragraph 4b will be notified in writing by the principal’s office.
e. The building principal will make the final determination as to a student’s eligibility.
Rev. 10/98