Participation in all interscholastic sports activities at Argyle Central School is a privilege for involvement is voluntary.
The coaching staff and administration expects that all students who plan to participate in interscholastic athletics understand their responsibilities to that program. It is our intent to make all parents and participants aware of the expectations for proper attitude and behavior that are an integral part of our teams.
Argyle Central School attempts to provide complementary sports programs for male and female athletes and as varied a program as possible to encourage participation and/or spectator enjoyment. For the 2024-25 school year, we plan to offer:
Soccer (boys)
Volleyball (girls)
Cross Country (boys)
Cross Country (girls)
Basketball (girls)
Basketball (boys)
Softball (girls)
Baseball (boys)
Tennis (boys and girls)
In addition to possessing athletic skills, all participants are expected to demonstrate acceptable academic standards, as well as proper behavior, manners, appearance, and sportsmanship at all practice sessions and games and within the school community.
The following rules of conduct have been developed for all our team members. Parents, as well as student-athletes, are requested to do all you can to support our Athletic Guide and help your son and/or daughter live up to the code.
All schools and coaches are attempting to help students experience the many positive features from being a member of an athletic team. There is, however, no possible way to outline all the possible situations that might occur during any school year. In general, this Guide for Athletics is designed to outline reasonable expectations for team members to be aware of and to follow.
Our school and athletic teams cannot possibly be successful without the positive influence of our school community. The issue of teenage drinking and substance abuse is a special concern to us and it should be to parents as well. We need your support if our overall influence is to be helpful.
After you have finished reading this guide, please fill out the attached form. This will inform us that you have read and understand the guide and will assist your son/daughter in seeing that they behave in a satisfactory manner within the guidelines.
Code of Conduct for Student-Athletes
Participation on an ACS athletic team is a privilege which should ignite great pride in both the student athlete and his/her family. It is also an acceptance of responsibility which requires an extra commitment from those who wear our school colors and represent their teammates, coaches, school and community. Standards of behavior are necessarily high and a willingness to meet these standards is a condition for being a member of one of our teams.
Our coaches are responsible for providing leadership, encouragement and direction to assist the student-athlete with meeting his/her personal commitment to their team. They are also responsible for providing the student-athlete the opportunity to compete in an athletic environment that fosters sportsmanship and fair play. Coaches will strive to enhance the academic pursuit of the student-athlete through athletic participation. The following guidelines serve as benchmarks for the code of conduct.
To the Athlete:
Being a member of an ACS athletic team is a fulfillment of an early ambition for many students. The attainment of this goal carries with it certain traditions and responsibilities that must be maintained. A great athletic tradition is not built overnight; it takes the hard work of many people over many years. As a member of an interscholastic squad of the ACS, you have inherited a wonderful tradition, which you are challenged to uphold. Like anything of value, it comes with a price tag. That price tag is a commitment from you to follow established rules. By participating in athletics to the greatest extent of your ability, you are contributing to the reputation of your school. We base our success on two separate venues, #1 the process, (what you can learn through athletics that can be used throughout life) and #2 the product the win/loss records of our teams. We field teams to compete and our goal is to achieve and to compete at our best possible level, in every contest. It is our deepest goal, that there is always a balance between these two areas.
Our tradition has been to win with honor, to develop young people of character, that our community has pride in, on and off the field. We desire to win, but only with honor to our athletes, our schools and our community. Such a tradition is worthy of the best efforts of all concerned.
Again, you as a student athlete must understand that the code of conduct for student athletes is not designed to be a punishment but a deterrent to your becoming involved in the risky and dangerous behaviors that are associated with the use and abuse of the drugs, alcohol and tobacco. It is also to insure that you have the best possibilities to succeed in your sport and to learn the valuable lessons that athletics can teach. Because your mental and physical well-being is essential to your success, both as a student and as an athlete, we want you to reach your full potential. This can only be fully realized if you remain drug-free. We are asking for your help and co-operation in achieving a totally drug-free athletic program. We are committed to providing such an atmosphere for our student athletes. Therefore, we are asking you to become an active part of the solution, not to become part of the problem. Your active participation in remaining drug-free throughout your athletic career at ACS is greatly appreciated. The benefit will be in the experience you will have.
It will not be easy to contribute to such a great athletic tradition. When you wear the colors of maroon and gray, we assume that you not only understand our traditions, but also are willing to assume the responsibilities that go with them. However, the contributions you make should be a satisfying accomplishment to you and your family and our community. Society holds athletes in esteem and your behavior at all times is under scrutiny.
You are also expected to share in the responsibility for such an opportunity that is provided, that shall include:
Responsibilities to Yourself: The most important of these responsibilities is to broaden and develop strength of character. You owe it to yourself to derive the greatest benefit from your high school experiences. To live a healthy lifestyle and to respect your health both physically and mentally at all times.
Responsibility to your Academic Studies: Your academic studies, and your participation in other extracurricular and co-curricular activities as well as sports, prepare you for your life as an adult. Athletics, while very important to many young people, is only a small part of life. Realize also how few athletes make it to the collegiate level and beyond.
Responsibilities to Your School: Another responsibility you assume as a squad member is to your school. ACS cannot maintain its position as having an outstanding school unless you do your best in the activity in which you engage.
Responsibility to your Community: The community and school tax monies make this athletic experience possible. For that reason, we must remember that we hold a clear and paramount responsibility to our community. You assume a leadership role when you are on the athletic squad. The student body and citizens of the community know you. You are very visible with the spotlight on you. The student body, the community and other communities judge our school by your conduct and attitude, both on and off the field. Because of this leadership role, you can contribute significantly to school spirit and community pride. Our desire is that our student athletes are a class act, not for the fact that we win rather that we are known as a program of character and excellence. Make ACS proud of you and your community proud of your school, by your consistent demonstration of these ideals.
Responsibility to Others: As a squad member you also bear a heavy responsibility to your home. If you never give your parents anything to be ashamed of, you will have measured up to that ideal. When you know in your heart that you have lived up to all of the training rules, that you have practiced to the best of your ability everyday and that you have played the game “all out”, you can keep your self-respect and your family can be justly proud of you, win or lose.
Responsibility to Younger Athletes: The younger students in ACS Athletics are watching you. They know who you are and what you do. The older upper-class athletes are role models for the young athletes that will come after you. Make them proud. Be an example. They will copy you in many ways. Do not do anything to let them down. Set good examples for them.
To the parent:
This material is presented to you because your son or daughter has indicated a desire to participate in interscholastic athletics and you have expressed your willingness to permit her/him to compete. We believe that participation in sports provides a wealth of opportunities and experiences which assist students in personal development. It should be recognized that involvement in interscholastic athletics is a privilege.
A student who elects to participate in athletics is voluntarily making a choice of self-discipline and commitment. These are the reasons we place conditions on involvement, as the health and safety and welfare of athletes must be our first priority. Good training habits and lifestyle are necessary for us to insure this experience. Failure to comply with the rules of training and conduct means exclusion from the squad. This concept of self-discipline and commitment is tempered by our responsibility to recognize the rights of the individual within the objectives of the team and the interscholastic program. There is no place in high school athletics for students who will not discipline their minds and bodies for rigorous competition. This decision is not ours alone but that of the Supreme Court of the United States, as there have been challenges to athletic codes on five occasions and the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of such codes on each occasion under the premise that athletes' safety and health must be insured. Challenges to the athletic code shall be considered, but no consideration shall be given to any party or stakeholder who will not agree to such provisions.
It is the role of the department of athletics to establish and maintain rules that govern the spirit of training and competition for the school district. These are the clear and consistent boundaries that insure the success of our young people. These rules need a broad basis of community support, which is achieved only through communication to the parent, the coaches, the student athletes and fans. It is our hope to accomplish this objective through this athletic publication for students and parents.
To the Coaches
Coaches will:
Build a personal and team philosophy based upon the values expressed in the Student Guide for Athletics.
Strive to enlarge their technical knowledge and develop wisdom and competency in all areas of the profession.
Enhance and protect the physical and mental well being of their student athletes.
Teach student-athletes to respect self, teammates, opponents and officials.
Strive to instill in players a desire to know and live by the spirit of the rules of the school, team, and sports.
Help create an atmosphere of friendly competition wherein sportsmanship and honor transcend victory or defeat.
Cooperate with administrators, faculty and other coaches in maintaining and improving the educational quality of our school.
Encourage the highest standards of academic achievement among our student-athletes.
Support the highest standards of conduct with regard to character and integrity.
Support the chemical health standards and behavioral standards set forth in this code
A. Application of the Code
The Code of Conduct will apply to each student athlete for the academic school year (July 1 to June 30) (including summer) and will be in effect at all times, in all locations, including non-school activities. Violation of the Code will result in penalties, which are consistent with those identified within the code as determined by the coach and/or Athletic Director. Each coach also has the prerogative to establish and implement additional guidelines specific to his/her particular team. All violations of the Code will be cumulative beginning with a student's initial participation on a modified, junior varsity, or varsity team.
B. Conditions for Team Membership
Student-athletes are expected to commit themselves to team membership, attendance at school, and at practices/contests for the duration of the season. When this commitment is not fulfilled, the athlete's membership and position on the team shall be reviewed by the coach with the athlete and a recommendation of action will be made by the coach to the Athletic Director for review.
1. Student-athletes are expected to attend all practices and contests unless excused by the coach. It is the athlete's responsibility to notify the coach, in advance, of any circumstances which would prohibit attendance at practice(s) or contest(s) other than absence from school. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action ranging from a verbal warning to dismissal from the team dependent upon the nature and/or frequency of the offense.
2. A student who is absent from school any part of the day will not be eligible for participation in any athletic event or practice session on the day he or she is absent. The Athletic Director may permit participation when, in his/her judgment, the absence is unavoidable and supporting documentation signed by a parent or guardian is provided. Students are therefore advised to make requests for absence(s) in advance.
3. Students who are members of an interscholastic athletic team are expected to be in school on time on a daily basis. Students will be ineligible for practice or contest participation that day if they do not report to 1st period prior to the start of class. Students who report to school late must present a legal excuse signed by a parent or guardian in order to be eligible to participate (ex. doctor's appointment).
4. The coach will establish team rules for practices/game attendance and participation. All team members will be given a written copy of the team rules and the coach will review the rules with the team members. All team members are expected to comply with and abide by the rules established for their team.
5. A student's absence(s) from practice(s) and or contest(s) due to mandatory participation in family activities will not jeopardize the student's team membership status. However, it is important to note that upon his or her return to the team the position previously held by the student may be held by another team member. It is the returning student's responsibility to regain his or her position through individual effort and team play as determined by the coach.
6. As a member of an interscholastic team, it is expected that your top athletic priority is to your team during the entire season of play. Participation on non-school related athletic teams in the same season of interscholastic participation is permissible as long as such participation does not conflict with fulfilling your responsibilities to the interscholastic team or violate team rules.
7. The use, sale and/or possession of any controlled substance(s), alcohol, tobacco products, illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia other than those prescribed by a physician is strictly prohibited.
8. As a member of an athletic team, students should be mindful that they represent their team, school, family and community. Team members are expected to have an obligation to conduct themselves as good citizens both in and out of school and the community. Students are expected to refrain from exhibiting any behavior(s), which violates the principles of good citizenship. IN other words, NEVER do anything which might bring embarrassment or an unfavorable view to yourself, your teammates, coaches, family, school, or community.
9. An athlete who participates in activities resulting in his/her arrest or formal charges being filed in a court of law may face additional penalties under this Code. If the school district has adequate and competent evidence that the student participated in the offense for which he or she is charged, a penalty may be imposed pursuant to this Code prior to completion of the criminal proceeding. If the school district does not have such evidence and the student is convicted of a crime (misdemeanor or felony), the penalty pursuant to this code will be imposed upon conviction. In the latter case, the athlete may continue to participate in his/her sport until resolution of the matter by the judicial system.
10. Cyber Imaging– Any identifiable image, photo, or video which implicates a student athlete to have been in possession or presence of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco or portrays actual use, or out of character behavior or crime, shall be deemed a violation of the code. It shall be a responsibility that the student athlete must assume. This is our rationale for demanding that our athletes not place themselves in such environments.
(Not intended to be all-inclusive)
- Possession and/or Use of Alcohol, Vaping, E-cigarettes, and Tobacco Products – The possession and/or use of alcohol, vaping, e-cigarettes and tobacco products is strictly prohibited.
- Hosting of Drinking or Drug Parties – Student athletes are prohibited from hosting and/or attending a party that involves alcohol, drugs, marijuana or illegal substances.
- Ringleaders in Parties – There shall be a greater consequence for an athlete if it is determined that they were involved in the organization, facilitation, promotion, or hosting of any gathering or social event where alcohol or drugs are available or use has occurred.
- Hazing/Initiation Ceremony – ACS interscholastic coaches will not permit, nor will ACS student athletes stage any type of “initiation ceremony” or hazing for athletes at any time and on any level. Hazing is defined as an often ritualistic test and a task, which may constitute harassment, abuse, or humiliation with requirements to perform random, often meaningless tasks, sometimes as a way of initiation in a team.
- Poor Sportsmanship – Student athletes, whether participants or spectators, will observe courteous behavior during all sporting events. Booing, whistling, name calling, obscene gestures, fighting or arguing with the referee, etc. will not be tolerated.
- Vandalism of Property Destruction – Vandalism or property destruction offenses may result internal or external suspension and appropriate penalties for violation of the Athletic Code.
- Verbal and/or Physical Abuse directed at teachers, coaches, students, opponents, officials, etc. will not be tolerated at any time.
- Violent Behavior of any manner shall be grounds for immediate dismissal.
Violations will be investigated by the coach of the sport, the athletic director, and/or the secondary principal (when appropriate).
Alleged violations will cause the coach and Athletic Director to meet with the student involved. If a violation is determined to have occurred, the student athlete will be subject to the following penalties:
1. 1st Violation
The athlete will be suspended from all public participation in games or contests for the remainder of the sport season and will not receive any awards in that sport at the end of the season.
If the athlete admits to the violation and agrees to participate in a risk assessment (if applicable) at an agency approved by the school district, the penalty will be reduced to two weeks (preseason) or four games (during season). In both cases, at the coach's discretion, the athlete may have the opportunity to continue active practice with the team during the suspension.
2. 2nd Violation
Any athlete found guilty of a second violation during the school year will be suspended from the current sport season and prohibited from participating in the subsequent sport season unless the following conditions are met:
a. The athlete may have his privilege to participate in the next sport season reinstated by voluntarily ENROLLING IN AND ATTENDING a self-help or counseling program (if applicable) that is acceptable to the school district for the duration of that season.
3. 3rd Violation
Any athlete found guilty of a third violation will be permanently suspended from the athletic program.
The athlete's athletic record for violations of training rules is continuous. It does not end at the end of each academic school year. Consequently, the violation and punishment are cumulative.
The coach has the primary responsibility for disciplining his/her team members. A coach may, at his/her discretion, take appropriate disciplinary measures to correct student athlete's misbehavior. In severe cases, the coach may suspend an individual from participation in a sport. The student may appeal a coach's decision by using the process outlined below.
If instances of unacceptable behavior are created by a student athlete, the secondary principal may discipline the student in accordance with the school's code of conduct. STUDENTS RECEIVING AN INSCHOOL OR OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY SCHOOL ACTIVITY UNTIL THE SUSPENSION IS COMPLETELY OVER.
Continued instances of unacceptable school behavior will be dealt with by the secondary principal. He will meet with the student, coach, and athletic director when he feels it is necessary.
If a student is suspended from a team, the student may appeal the decision to the Secondary Principal within three school days. The appeal must be in writing and signed by the parent(s) or guardians(s) of the student. The Secondary Principal will hold a hearing and render a decision concerning the appeal. The Secondary Principal has the authority to suspend a student athlete from participation as a normal disciplinary procedure.
H. Examinations, Physicals, Injuries, and Insurance
Before a student may participate or practice with any team, he/she must be examined or cleared by the school doctor and receive his/her approval to participate in that sport. As a parent/guardian, you may have your son/daughter examined by your family physician, if you so desire. The District medical form must be completed and returned directly to the School Health Office.
All injuries, which occur during practice sessions or games, must be reported to the coach. If an injury is such that medical re-examination is required, further participation requires he clearance of the school doctor. If a student misses seven or more calendar days of participation, he/she will be required to participate in the minimum of one practice at the coach's discretion prior to compete.
In case of an injury requiring medical retreatment by emergency personnel, athletes will be transported to the most appropriate location. Coaches will make the wishes of parents or guardians for the transportation of athletes to specific locations known to emergency personnel. The decision of where to transport injured students will be left to emergency personnel. The decision will be based on obtaining the most appropriate care for the student.
Argyle Central School's accident insurance policy carried with the Pupil Benefits Plan, Inc., of Schenectady is an EXCESS coverage only. The purpose of our insurance coverage is to furnish Medical, Hospital, and Dental service indemnity when accidental bodily injury is sustained by the insured student while engaged in a school sponsored activity which is under the sole jurisdiction of the Board of Education and is supervised by personnel employed by the Board of Education and in accordance with the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education as well as the Rules and Game Standards of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association.
The family must first utilize all other available coverage they have, such as Medicaid, personal health insurance, etc. This policy is ONLY IN EXCESS of those benefits payable under family and/or employer policy(s). The claim is to be first filed with other carrier(s). Only after all these other sources of assistance have been exhausted are we able to submit remaining bills to the Pupil Benefits Plan, Inc. for coverage.
Equipment and Uniforms
Equipment and/or uniforms will be issued to team members by the coaches. These items are to be worn only during regular school athletic events. Participants will return their uniforms and equipment to the team coach within the week following the end of the season. Each participant is responsible for any loss or damage to school items and until satisfactory restitution is made further participation in any athletic program will not be allowed.
J. Season Eligibility
A season is defined as starting with the first practice and ending with the last game. An athlete may only participate in one sport during a particular sports season. If an athlete does not make a team, he/she may make a request to the Athletic Director to try out for another sport.
K. Letters and Awards
Athletic awards are given in recognition of outstanding athletic achievement and service to the school, not as compensation for services rendered. Athletes will receive, on the coaches recommendation, an athletic letter at the completion of his/her first varsity year in a particular sport. Metal pins will be given to deserving athletes each year following the awarding of the first letter. Certificates of participation will be given to each athlete that successfully completes the season.
The head coach has the prerogative to issue or withhold a letter for extenuating circumstances, such as early season injuries, value to a team without having played enough, and team or district violations. All cases, students must complete the season as a member of the team in order to letter.
L. Leaving a Team
In the event that a student leaves a team, he/she will have three school days to personally seek reinstatement with the coach. The coach will act on these cases as he/she determines it to be in the best interest of the athletic program. If a student does not personally apply for reinstatement with the coach within the three school day limit, he/she will be considered to have left the squad and is at that time given the one week to hand in their uniform and/or equipment.
M. Transportation
All participants will ride to and from athletic contests on school transportation. If parents wish to provide transportation of their student athlete, the coach must receive a written request. Students will not be allowed to ride with any other student or person other than parents unless prearranged with the High School Principal or Athletic Director.
N. Managers
Managers are expected to comply with all rules and regulations associated with our athletic program.
O. Dismissal from the Team
In the event any student is dismissed from a team, he/she will not be permitted to join another team during that sport season.
P. Extra-Curricular Activities Academic Policy – All athletic programs are included in this policy
Extra-curricular activities are an important part of the educational program of Argyle Central School. In order to have the privilege of participating in or attending these activities, a student must meet certain academic requirements. Failure to meet these obligations will result in the student being declared on probation or ineligible to participate in, or attend extra-curricular activities.
The following procedure will be followed in order to determine a student's eligibility to participate in, or attend extra-curricular activities.
1. The principal, athletic director, coaches, and advisors of extra-curricular activities will review the report cards or master list of interim progress reports of participants.
2. The principal, athletic director, coaches, and advisors of extra-curricular activities will discuss with the student his/her eligibility to participate in extra-curricular activities.
3. Students will be placed on a probation list by the principal if either of the following situations exist.
a) A student has failed one or more subjects during the marking period
b) A student has received interim progress reports indicating not passing in one or more subjects.
4. a) Any student failing (not passing) one subject will be placed on probation for two weeks. Probation means that a student can continue with extra-curricular activities for two weeks but must attend one ninth period per week during those two weeks. If, at the end of this two-week period, a passing grade or satisfactory improvement has not been attained, the student must continue on probation throughout the remaining period of time until the marking period ends or the next interim progress report is due (whichever comes first). A student who attains a passing grade during this time will be removed from the probation list.
b) Any student failing (not passing) two or more subjects will be placed on probation for two weeks. If the student fails to improve his/her grades during the probationary period and is still failing two or more subjects, they will be declared ineligible and may not participate in, or attend any extra-curricular activities during the period of time until the marking period ends or the next interim progress report is due (whichever comes first). Any student who attains a passing grade in two subjects but is still failing in one will continue to be on probation but will be declared eligible for extra-curricular activities.
c) At the end of the two-week period, it will be the student's responsibility to obtain a form from the office and have it filled out by his/her teachers.
The student must show the completed form to the athletic director, coach, or advisor prior to reinstatement.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Your signature indicates that the preceding guide has been read and that you are willing to have your son/daughter participate under the guidelines as written.
An athlete will not be allowed to participate in our interscholastic program until this form is signed by the student and his/her parent or legal guardian.
John Galarneau, Junior/Senior High School Principal
I have read the Student Guide for Athletics and I am willing to have Athlete's Name
participate under the regulations as written.
Sport Parent's/Guardian's Signature
I have read the Student Guide for Athletics and am willing to participate under the regulations as written.
Athlete's Signature
Amended on 7/8/10