Mission Statement
Argyle Central School recognizes the connection between school attendance, academic performance, good health, and social development. Achieving the vision of “healthy children… ready to learn” is widely held to be fundamental to the attainment of high academic standards, resulting in a productive, committed citizen. Our attendance policy coupled with a positive school climate and standards based instruction, offers a unique opportunity to engage the entire community – parents, staff, students, and community members in a process, which will build upon our strengths and address our concerns.
Attendance is a critical factor in school success. School attendance is both a right and a responsibility in New York State. Children have the right to attend school between the ages of 5 and 21 and are mandated to attend school between the ages of 6 and 16. Parents are expected to make sure that their children attend school on a regular basis and that all absences are accounted for in writing.
The overall goal of this attendance policy is to ensure the maintenance of an adequate record verifying the attendance of all students in accordance with Education Law, Section 3205. “Minors who turn six years old on or before December 1 in any school year must receive full-time instruction from the first day school is in session in September of such school year. Minors who turn six after December 1 of a school year must receive full-time instruction from the first day of school in the following September. All children must remain in attendance until the last day of the school year in which they reach the age of 16 (3205 (1) (c).”
To ensure that record verification of attendance of all students is kept in accordance with Education Law.
A. The following is a list of reasons for an excused absence:
- Sickness
- Sickness or death in the family
- Medical appointments – doctor/dentist/medical tests, etc…
- No school transportation
- Quarantine
- In-school discipline actions and out-of-school suspensions
- Religious observance
- Required court appearance
- Approved college visitation
- Military obligation
- Absences arranged previously by the parents with administration approval
B. Any other reason not listed above is considered to be an unexcused absence.
C. Field trips sponsored by the school and/or school-related activities, including BOCES, are not counted as absences.
D. A written excuse must be provided for each absence, late arrival, or early dismissal. These written notes must be received within a week of the absence in order for the absences to be considered “excused.”
E. The restoration of health is the first priority when a student has been absent due to an illness.
F. After an excused absence, the student must arrange, with each teacher, the deadline for make-up work. How and by when the make-up work must be finished is at the discretion of each teacher. At the beginning of the school year, each teacher will define his/her make-up work policy for an excused absence. Each teacher will monitor the make-up work to be handed in.
G. After an unexcused absence, the student must:
- Make-up work as determined by the teacher.
- Attend one-ninth period for each day skipped.
- Teachers have the right to reduce course credit when unexcused absences have been documented. Each teacher should submit his/her plan to the administration at the beginning of the school year. Parents will receive written notification of this policy at the beginning of the school term.
I. Parent’s Responsibilities
A. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children attend school regularly and on time.
B. Parents are directed, in the student handbook, to telephone the number (518) 638-8243 ext 301 between the times of 6:00 am and 8:00 am at the school if their child will be absent. Any student who is reported absent, and whose parents have not telephoned the absence to the school, will be contacted by phone. Any student reported absent or arriving late will be noted on the attendance bulletin.
C. In addition to calling, parents must submit a written explanation of the absence to the main office.
D. Parents are required to provide their current home address, telephone number, emergency number(s), and a list of adults to contact in their absence.
A. LEVEL ONE: After five consecutive or nonconsecutive total absences, a student’s attendance record will be reviewed by the principal. If necessary, parents/guardians will be notified in writing or a phone call will be made by the principal. In addition, there may be a referral to the Child Study Team.
B. LEVEL TWO: After ten consecutive or nonconsecutive total absences parents/guardians will be notified in writing. The student’s attendance record will be reviewed and if necessary, the student and parent/guardian may need to meet with the principal to determine circumstances for absences and develop a plan for improved attendance. Referrals to Child Study Team or outside agencies may be made at this stage.
F. Parents/guardians will be notified by phone or required to meet with the principal on a case-by-case basis in regards to unexcused absences or excessive absenteeism.
II. Student Responsibilities
A. Students must attend school daily and on time.
B. Students must attend all classes and participate fully.
C. Students are responsible for finding out what work was missed when they were absent.