May 26, 2020 Virtual BOE Meeting

May 26, 2020 Virtual BOE Meeting
Posted on 05/20/2020

Argyle Board of Education Budget Hearing -  Tuesday, May 26, 2020; 7:00pm

Please take notice that the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE ARGYLE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT will hold its annual budget hearing on Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 7:00 pm, REMOTELY THROUGH ELECTRONIC MEANS DUE TO THE COVID-19 GATHERING RESTRICTIONS.

Members of the public will be able to follow the meeting via a WebEx Event by calling in at +1-408-418-9388  and using Access code: 796 155 680 followed by the # sign.   Members of the public wishing to have video access to the budget hearing must contact the district clerk at [email protected]  by 1:00 pm on May 26, 2020 and request a Webex video link be emailed to you.


If you are unable to dial in to the meeting, this meeting will be recorded and placed on our website under the "Board of Education" "Agenda/Minutes" following the meeting.