Welcome to the Argyle CSD Community Fitness Center
Days open: Monday - Thursday (closed on holidays and school vacations)
Time: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Cost: $10 refundable fee* for ID and electronic swipe card access
- The Fitness Center is open to residents of the district age 13 and up. No one under the age of 15 is permitted to use the fitness center without his/her parent/guardian present at all times.
- Participants may register in the Main Office to receive an electronic swipe card. Swipe card access is only to be used by the member for the sole purpose of accessing the Fitness Center during posted hours of operation.
- Street shoes are not allowed in the Fitness Center.
- Please bring a towel to wipe down the equipment after use.
- Fitness Center users are responsible for:
- Watching orientation video prior to initial use
- Signing waiver (forms found below)
- Signing into the Fitness Center prior to each use
- Abiding by all rules posted in the Fitness Center
- Following any verbal and written instructions or directions given by district Fitness Center monitors
- Using all equipment as instructed
- Using all available safety features on the equipment
- Ensuring all equipment is properly cleaned and put away after use
- Children under 13 are not allowed in the Fitness Center, gym or hallway while members are using the Fitness Center.
The schedule may change based on school activities and will be posted on our website.
Our fitness center, coupled with our very popular community walking program and our outdoor basketball, tennis, and pickleball courts, provide our students and community members with great health and wellness opportunities! Please contact the main office to learn more about joining the Argyle CSD Fitness Center.
*replacement swipe cards require an additional $10 deposit