School Mask Update

School Mask Update: 6/7/21
Posted on 06/07/2021

Earlier today, Governor Cuomo held a press conference and stated that New York State will continue to require individuals to wear masks inside of school buildings.  However, when outside, individuals will no longer be required to wear masks.  


New York will not be changing the indoor mask requirement and we, as a school district, are required to follow this mandate.  As such, starting June 8, 2021, we will need to return to masks at all times while in the building and on district transportation.  


However, given that we have transitioned into June and the days are getting warmer, if a student or staff member is experiencing difficulty with the heat and needs an extended drink or mask break in order to cool down - this is acceptable, as long as there is six feet of separation between individuals.


Once NYS provides us with the official written guidance, I will make sure to communicate any other potential changes contained in that document.


The different messages coming from the state have been confusing and have made this situation more difficult and frustrating than necessary.  Please be assured that we are advocating for our students and staff and will continue to do so.


As always, I appreciate your support and patience as we work through this challenging time.


For Immediate Release: 6/7/2021




Guidance on Mask Use Indoors Remains in Place


Change Aligns Summer Camp Guidance with School Guidance


Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that school districts can choose to lift the requirement that their students must wear masks outdoors. Guidance on mask use indoors remains in place. This change aligns New York State's guidance on schools with CDC guidance on summer camps, where even unvaccinated students are not currently required to wear masks outdoors.


"The numbers show that the risk of transmission by children is extremely low, especially in this state, which has an extremely low positivity rate. We spoke with the CDC, and since they're not going to change their guidance for several weeks in New York State, we're going to modify the CDC guidance and allow schools to choose no mask outside for children," Governor Cuomo said. "We'll leave that up to the local school district and we spoke to the CDC, which has no objection. It's very important that people understand the logic between these decisions and that they're rational and based on the science and the data. We have a disconnect right now between the school guidance and the camp guidance, and it's important to rectify it because if people don't think the rules are logical, then they're not going to want to follow the rules."


On May 24, Governor Cuomo announced that based on the current COVID trajectory, all New York State schools will reopen for full in-person learning for the 2021-2022 school year beginning in September.