Mission Statement
It is the mission of Argyle Central School to provide a program which will enable its students to acquire the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to become responsible citizens. In a positive atmosphere conducive to creative and critical thinking, each student is provided with sound educational experiences which will foster the development of a strong moral character and self-concept.
About Our School
Argyle Central School is located in the town of Argyle, in the heart of Washington County, New York. The school campus consists of one school building which houses approximately 500 students in grades Pre-K-12. There are 57 teachers, a superintendent, Pre-k-6 principal, 7-12 principal, pupil personnel services director, and guidance counselor.
Argyle Central School takes great pride in its commitment to all students and values the opportunities that athletics and extra-curricular activities provide for all.
At the Elementary level, the focus is on literacy and standards-based instruction. The academic year is broken into three 13-week marking periods, which afford increased time for instruction and assessment of students’ progress toward mastery of the standards. A math lab (similar to science labs already in place) was instituted to provide students additional time to master required skills. Argyle teachers engage students through the use of technology and enrichment.
Argyle offers a full-day pre-kindergarten program. The program offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum that focuses on the development of a child’s language, academic, physical, emotional, and social skills.
At the Junior/Senior High School level, Argyle students are provided with a comprehensive educational program that prepares them to be productive and active members of society. In addition to a strong academic program, the district provides diverse electives that include forensic science, pre-vet, materials processing, and college credit bearing courses in mathematics, Spanish, and science.
Argyle students participate in competitive New Visions Engineering and Health Careers Exploration programs, and some students take advantage of the SUNY Adirondack Early College Career Academy in which they are dually enrolled in high school and college.
In an effort to prepare students for college and careers, the Argyle Central School District has implemented 1:1 computing for students in grades 2-12. Each student is issued a Chromebook to use during the school year. This enables students and teachers to access the latest educational resources and applications.
Children’s education does not end in the classroom. The entire community benefits from the extracurricular clubs and activities that showcase our students’ musical and artistic talents. Argyle athletic teams always bring pride to the community.