Parent/Guardian Reopening Forums

Parent/Guardian Reopening Forums
Posted on 08/10/2020


The Argyle Central School District is hosting a series of virtual parent reopening meetings on August 12, August 18, and August 20 to review the District’s reopening plan, hear parent/guardian feedback and to answer questions. To accommodate as many schedules as possible, the meetings are being held at different times and will be recorded and posted to our website. The District’s Q&A Document will also be updated after each session.  The District has also extended the deadline for parents to opt for remote instruction until August 21, 2020.


You are invited to review the reopen plan in advance of the meeting. Please see


Argyle CSD Reopening Plan 


Argyle CSD Q&A Document

The links for each meeting are below. While these meetings will be interactive, we also encourage parents to continue sending questions to [email protected]. We plan to address as many of the submitted questions via this email during the forums as possible.


PLEASE NOTE: The links will not be live until approximately 15 minutes prior to the meeting. 


Link to Wednesday, August 12th at 1pm meeting:

To Join By Video (you will need to enter your name and email address):

To Join By Phone:

+1-408-418-9388  and using Access code: 132 550 7504 followed by the # sign.

Link to Tuesday, August 18th at 6pm meeting:

To Join By Video (you will need to enter your name and email address):

To Join By Phone:

+1-408-418-9388  and using Access code: 132 927 8238 followed by the # sign. 

Link to Thursday, August 20th at 10am meeting:

To Join By Video (you will need to enter your name and email address):


To Join By Phone:

+1-408-418-9388  and using Access code: 132 716 4583 followed by the # sign.